
Hello sweet-peas!!!!

Guess who is two today?????

This little blog is......

We celebrated with lamingtons and candles!!!

Naughty Warren (the super furry one) squirrel munched his before we got to light it, grrrr.

We had a look back over the posts for the two years and would have to say it has been a crazy ride.
 On one hand we had some of the saddest, heartbreaking and truly horrible times, on the other magnificent adventures, whimsical playtime and delightful moments that will stay with us forever.
To all who have followed us, left lovely comments or just been interested to see what we are up too.

We say THANK YOU!!!!

"The grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for"
-Allan K Chalmers.

Stayed tuned my lovely poppets we have some more adventures to come.....

love V

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